Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance offers both a death benefit to your beneficiaries should you die and a cash value feature you may be able to use while you’re still alive. As long as you pay the required premiums, permanent life insurance will provide coverage for your entire lifetime.

Terry Turner, Financial writer for
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  • Updated: June 27, 2024
  • 5 min read time
  • This page features 6 Cited Research Articles

Key Takeaways

  • Unlike term life, permanent life insurance provides lifetime coverage regardless of how old you live to be.
  • Premiums for permanent life insurance are more expensive than term life policies and permanent life may not be the best type of life insurance for most people.
  • Permanent life insurance builds cash value you can borrow against making it an investment option that also includes certain tax benefits.

What Is Permanent Life Insurance?

Permanent life insurance is one of the two main types of life insurance available — the other being term life insurance.

A permanent life insurance policy does not expire, meaning it provides lifetime coverage with a death benefit paid out upon the policyholder’s death.

The policies also feature a separate cash value component allowing you to build savings within the coverage that you can use within your lifetime.

Though it can be more expensive than term life insurance, permanent According to the most recent data from the American Council of Life Insurance, over 60% of new policies sold are permanent life insurance.

Types of Permanent Life Insurance

There are two main types of permanent life insurance: whole life and universal life insurance.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance policies spread the cost of insurance over a much longer period than term insurance, keeping the cost of premiums consistent.

Universal life insurance

The most flexible type of policy, universal life allows owners to change or skip premium payments and change the death benefit more easily. This product also has a savings component that earns interest.

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Permanent Life Insurance vs. Term Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is more expensive and more complicated than term life. But it does offer other benefits that term insurance does not.

The key difference is that permanent life covers you for your entire lifetime and offers a savings feature missing from term policies.

Differences Between Permanent and Term Life Insurance

DurationSpecific period of time (one to 30 years)Lifetime coverage
Cost of PremiumsLess expensive, remain level but increase with each renewalMore expensive, can be either level or provide flexible payments.
Cash ValueNo savings component.Provides a saving component allowing you to build cash value that can be used in your lifetime.
Ability To Borrow From the PolicyNoYes
Guaranteed Death BenefitsYesYes
Convertible From One Type to the Other You can convert a term life policy into a permanent life policy.You cannot convert a permanent life policy into a term life policy.

How Does Permanent Life Insurance Work?

Permanent life insurance can be very flexible, so you can work with a financial advisor or other professional to tailor it to your needs. You start by determining how much of a death benefit you want to pay out to your beneficiaries when you die.

You can then decide how long you want to pay premiums — say, until age 65 or 80. The longer you choose to pay, the lower your premiums will be. The shorter the duration, the higher the annual premium.

With whole life insurance, your premiums will remain the same throughout the time you pay them. However, with some other types of permanent life insurance, the premiums may change from year to year or month to month.

Once the policy is in place, your beneficiaries will receive a guaranteed death benefit once you die. But if the policy is in effect for a long period of time, it will accumulate a cash value — creating a savings component.

Some permanent life insurance policies also pay dividends. If your policy does, then the cash value may grow faster while increasing the amount of your death benefit. These dividends can be used to help pay your premiums.

As the cash value grows, you’re able to borrow from the policy — or use the policy’s value as collateral for a bank loan. If you borrow from the policy, the insurance company will reduce the amount of the death benefit until you pay back the loan.

Pros and Cons of Permanent Life Insurance

Because permanent life insurance is complicated and expensive, it typically isn’t the best life insurance choice for most people. You should compare the pros and cons of permanent life policies as well as looking at term life insurance before deciding if it’s right for you.

Advantages of Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is advantageous if you need to provide your beneficiaries with a death benefit regardless of how old you are when you die — even if you live to be 100.

But most other advantages stem from using permanent life insurance as an investment vehicle — because the policy builds cash value over time. It also provides several tax benefits associated with this savings feature.

Tax Benefits of Permanent Life Insurance

  • Cash value in a permanent life policy grows on a tax-deferred basis — meaning you don’t pay income taxes on it as it increases in value.
  • If you surrender your coverage or receive dividends on your policy, you don’t have to pay income taxes unless the amount is greater than the premiums you’ve paid.
  • You don’t have to pay taxes on the money you take out of the policy in the form of a loan — so long as the loan and interest on the loan is less than the policy’s cash value.
  • Your beneficiaries do not have to pay income tax on the death benefit from permanent life insurance (but the same is true for term life insurance death benefits).

Permanent life insurance also allows flexible premium payments. You can structure your premiums so that you can fully fund your coverage over a fixed-period of time. This way, you can stop making payments but still have full coverage from the policy — even as your cash value continues to grow through interest and dividends.

Disadvantages of Permanent Life Insurance

The biggest disadvantage of permanent life insurance is the cost.

Permanent life insurance is expensive because it covers you for your whole life. Most people don’t need this much coverage. Term life insurance is cheaper — because it covers you for a specific period of time — and tends to work better for most people.

If you start with a term policy, you can convert it to permanent life insurance later on. But you can’t convert a permanent policy to term life. This can be a problem if you start with a permanent life insurance policy and realize later that it isn’t right for you.

If you can’t make your premium payments, you could lose coverage. This means you’d have to buy a new policy later on — likely at an even higher price — if you want to continue coverage.

Please seek the advice of a qualified professional before making financial decisions.
Last Modified: June 27, 2024