Terry Turner

Certified Financial Wellness Facilitator and Host of Annuity.org Podcast

Areas of Expertise: CDs | High-Interest Savings Accounts | Money Market Funds

[email protected]
(407) 498-6317
Terry from Annuity.org

Career Highlights

BA, Media Arts
Lyon College
1978 – 1982

Anchor Reporter
ABC, NBC, CBS Affiliates
1987 – 1995

Investigative Reporter
Conus Communications
1997 – 2002

Senior Producer
Defense Media Activity
2003 – 2015

The writers of Annuity.org
The writers of Annuity.org

About Terry

Terry Turner is a certified Financial Wellness Facilitator and Annuity.org’s authority on consumer financial products, including CDs, high-interest savings products and money market funds. He brings more than 35 years of investigative journalism experience to Annuity.org, providing easy-to-understand explanations and comparisons about the often confusing world of financial products.

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Professional Awards and Associations

Financial wellness facilitator certificate
Emmy Award Winner logo
MarCom Awards Logo
Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing Logo
Annuity.org Podcast

Tune In With Terry

The Annuity.org Podcast features informative and educational conversations with financial professionals to help you better understand the basics of annuities. Recent guests include Andrew Rosen, a certified financial planner and certified estate planner, and James Philpot, director of the Financial Planning Program and associate professor in the Finance and Risk Management Department at Missouri State University.

Recent Episodes

Want to be on the next episode of the Annuity.org Podcast? Reach out to Terry now!

Find Terry in the News

Endorsements from Terry’s Peers

Terry is one of the smoothest reporters I’ve ever worked with. He has mastered Washington DC and he’s a great people person in the field and in the office. He’s also fast as lightning which makes a big difference on a busy day and I enjoyed working with him and look forward to working with him again if the opportunity arises.

Chris Kettlewell
Cameraman at Associated Press
Source: LinkedIn

Terry Turner is a seasoned broadcaster who has morphed into a highly successful web content manager. He brings journalistic standards to web content to generate postings that are clear, concise and accurate. He has remarkable facility with the various programs required to create and post content. He would be a genuine asset in any shop; his presence contributes hugely to elevating the quality of online news content at the Defense Media Agency

Jim Schaefer
Freelance Producer/Writer
Source: LinkedIn

I had the pleasure of working wirth Terry at Conus, where I watched him consistently find stories in places where others never looked. They were always well written and always gave viewers insight into the workings of DC policy making and, through the people he included in his work, insight into the human condition. I learned a lot from Terry. This guy is a solid, reliable pro.

Gary Nurenberg
Freelance Reporter
Source: LinkedIn

Terry was my colleague and counterpart for investigative reporting at CONUS. I deeply admired his reporting and his ability to get in and dig. He was also a heckuva guy to sit across from in the newsroom.

Marti Johnson
Digital Media Professional
Source: LinkedIn

Q&A with Terry

What’s the key difference between a CD and a high-interest savings account?

CDs offer fixed rates and locked funds for a set term, while high-interest savings accounts provide flexibility with variable rates.

How can I choose between a money market fund and a traditional savings account?

Consider risk tolerance and access needs. MMFs may offer slightly higher returns but have some risk compared to insured savings accounts.

What’s the best strategy for maximizing returns with these products?

Diversify your savings. Use CDs for stable growth, high-interest savings for liquidity and MMFs for a balance of both.

Still have questions?

Terry’s Recent Work