Stephen Kates is a CFP® professional and personal finance expert specializing in financial planning and education. He is a Licensed Life Insurance Agent, National Producer Number (NPN) #16749779. He serves as the Principal Financial Analyst for, where he delves into industry trends to support consumers and financial advisors on topics of wealth management, annuities, retirement planning, and investing. Additionally, he is the Founder of Clocktower Financial Consulting and previously held the position of Head of Financial Planning for

With over 15 years of experience in the financial industry, Stephen focuses on providing targeted consumer finance solutions for individuals, families and business owners. He harnesses his passion for financial literacy to simplify complex topics and make financial planning accessible to everyone.

Stephen began his career as a financial advisor in Boston, MA, in 2010. Throughout his early career at two of the nation’s largest financial firms, Fidelity Investments and TIAA-CREF, he assisted numerous clients in developing comprehensive financial plans to grow and safeguard their wealth.

As an industry expert, Stephen regularly writes and speaks on the fundamentals of personal finance, retirement and income planning. He has made appearances on national broadcasts such as NBC, CBS and Fox Business, and his insights have been featured in leading digital publications such as CNET, International Business Times, and Newsweek . Stephen’s extensive financial planning expertise and fintech business acumen have positioned him as a sought-after resource for advisors, retirees, and first-time savers alike.

Stephen lives in Charlotte, NC, with his wife Kate and two children. While he remains a devoted Boston sports fan, he also loves attending local football and baseball games in his adopted hometown. Stephen is an enthusiastic traveler who enjoys collecting local artwork during family trips.

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