Retirement – Page 3
RetirementFor the second time in the last few years, the age when required minimum distributions (RMDs) kick in is on the rise. Starting…
Social Security Benefits Lose 40% of Buying Power
Rising Inflation Erodes Social Security’s Purchasing Power Social Security benefits have lost 40% of their buying power since 2000, according to an ongoing… -
Lifetime Income For Employees Act
Lifetime Income For Employees Act Legislators are responding to Americans’ concerns about running out of money in retirement with a reintroduced bill designed… -
From the Experts
From the Experts: What to Expect From a Typical 401(k) Match
A 401(k) plan is a retirement savings vehicle sponsored by a U.S. company for its employees. Since its advent in 1978, this type of… -
Annuity.org Blog
MYGA Sales Strong in Q3
According to a recent Wink Intel report, issuer survey data showed that third quarter multi-year guaranteed annuity sales increased by 33 percent… -
Aging Baby Boomers Delay Retirement
A lot of baby boomers either don’t want to or can’t afford to retire. Although an average of 5,900 baby boomers are leaving…