Toby Walters, CFA®, is a senior financial analyst with over 25 years of experience in financial research. His knowledge spans researching and analyzing financial data to developing a one-of-a-kind viewpoint on money-related topics. Today, he provides services in business valuation, economic damages and divorce accounting. Prior to this role, Toby was a financial writer for DST Systems. His work consisted of writing and editing syndicated articles for retirement plan providers while gathering financial data for editors to use. Toby graduated from State University of New York Brockport with a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a focus in financial management. Upon graduation, he launched his career at Thomson Reuters, where he provided research for the mergers and acquisitions database. He then went on to Venture Economics, where he prepared and supervised the production of Thomson Financial’s private equity annual publications. From there, Toby took on a role at SourceMedia to help develop research databases for private placements, asset-backed securitizations and pension plan investment mandate searches. Toby is a member of CFA® Society Boston and has assisted with crafting questions for the CFA® Society Practice Exam. In addition, he dedicates time to the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs.

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