Michael J. Boyle began his career in the securities business in 2011 as a registered financial professional. Over his tenure, he’s worked with asset classes including equities, fixed income, CDs, mutual funds, futures, options and foreign currency. Before a career change in late 2019, he supervised the northern Colorado network of a top provider of insurance, annuities and advisory services. In early 2019, Michael obtained the charter leadership fellow designation from the American College of Financial Services. In his supervision role, Michael ensured product recommendations were in the best interest of the client. He also held training seminars, adapted to a changing regulatory environment and consulted with financial planners on best practices. In 2020, Michael graduated with his M.S. in finance with an analytics concentration. He has since pivoted to project management in the energy sector. As his love for financial planning hasn’t changed, he now consults with professional periodicals for review of their publications. Subjects include but aren’t limited to economics, personal finance, accounting and financial planning.

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